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The Pso-Rite is a cult classic mobility tool that’s gotten more and more interest as the world of mobility has opened up as an alternative to back surgeries, pain killers and other more drastic options.

But what is a pso-rite, how do you use it and why do so many people have a love/hate relationship with it?

Let’s find out.


What is a Pro Rite?

The pso-rite is a relatively straightforward device that’s molded out of plastic into a U Shape.

The pso-rite is designed to fit squarely into your hips, hip flexors, psoas (where it gets its name) and other small joints.

This way you can easily adjust and open up tight areas on your body. This is designed to help improve mobility, decrease injury risk and improve recovery.

What Does Pso-Rite Mean?

Pso-rite is a play on words meaning “so right” that takes its name from the psoas muscle – an abdominable muscle whose tightness is often responsible for weak hips and lower back pain.

How to Use the Pso Rite

The pso-rite was designed for your psoas muscle specifically but you can use it across your entire body on any muscle that feels tight or needs to be unlocked.

Important: How to find your psoas

If you’re not sure where your psoas muscle is, find your belly button and go out to the side from it. Under your belly is your psoas muscle – coming up from your lower hips.

Pso-Rite on your Psoas

Once you find your psoas – lie in a plank position on your stomach and have the pso-rite just touch the spots on your stomach you identified as your psoas.

Lean into it and let the pso-rite massage your muscles. Do this for 30-90 seconds at a time – or as much as you can stand.

Pso-Rite on your Neck

Keep the pro-rite vertical and lay your net on one of the prongs. Lean your neck on the pro-rite and move your head around – finding the tender portions. Feel free to move the pso-rite around itself so you can find the best position.

Pso-Rite on your Knee

If you want to use your psoas on your knee – aim for your quad – as it’s the supporting muscle.

Lay on your stomach and line the psoas up with one let. Find the pressure points hit the top and bottom of your quad and lean into it.

You’ll start to feel your quad (and your knee unlock).

Pso-Rite on Your Glutes

Lay on your back and place the peaks of the pso-rite on each glute. Then move your leg out and back. Slowly work the pso-rite into your glutes – anytime you feel something tender, lean into it gently.

Pso-Rite on Your Hip Flexors

Lay on your back and set one side inside the pso-rite. Then slowly lean into one of the corners and twist your torso.

Use your arm to support you if needed, but push into the corners of the pso-rite in order to unlock your hips as much as possible.

Focus on your breathing here – as it may be painful and crying does not help improve your mobility.

Pso Rite Reviews

We love/hate the pro-rite. We’re not going to lie. Using it sucks. It’s not comfy, it’s not relaxing. It’s not fun, but it works.

It might be the single most painful mobility object we’ve reviewed on the site (11/10 pain), but it does its job.

As far as pricing going – it’s incredibly reasonably priced. While the cold plunges and massage guns might be sexy – the pro-rite is (excuse the pun) pso-simple.

It’s simple, almost brutishly so, and does one thing -and one thing exceedingly well – unlock your unusually tight joints.

It’s not anything beautiful, the colors leave something to be imagined, but the pso-rite is like your daily driver. Non flashy, reliable and gets the job done.

Pso Rite Pro Tips

Place the Pso-Rite in line with Your belly button.

Most people don’t know exactly where to put this. While you can work this in likely anywhere that feels tight (included your hip flexors), to target your psoas muscles – place the tool in line with your belly button and relax into it. This is gonna hurt.

Slowly shift your weight back and forth.

Again, you’re gonna feel the pressure – that’s normal. Slowly work your way into the pso-rite, shift your weight back and forth as you let the tool move into your muscles and feel them unlock.

Distract yourself

The pain is going to be a lot. Maybe more than you want to deal with at that moment in time. We don’t watch much TV, but if you want to catch up on a Netflix show or TikTok, do it while you’re on the pso-rite. Not only will it help the time go faster, but you’ll also spend less time on the it in general – since you probably can’t last long on the pso-rite.

Pso-Rite Variations

While Pso-rite started as their flagship product, over time, it’s Bec coming a


This is a psi-rite designed specifically for your spine in order to help release nerves from your head down to your lower hips.

Price: $79.99


This is an aggressive version fo the pso-rite specifically for your back

Price: $79.99


The pro-mini is basically a mini version of the pso-rite. This is primarily useful to working into your hands, feet, hips and all the little nooks and crannies that the original pro-rite might be too big for.

Price: $19.99


The pso-stick is a customizable massage stick designed to help you increase blood flow, improve myofascial release and recovery.

Price: $39.99


More party-trick than anything else – this is the ant-man sized version of the pro-rite – mostly designed to show your fanaticism for the brand more than to actually use.

Price: $38.99 for 10 pieces

Pso Rite Alternatives

We will add pro-rite alternatives here in the coming months.

Other Mobility Tools


Joel Runyon

Joel is the founder of IMPOSSIBLE and the founder of MoveWell. Joel founded MoveWell after sustaining an injury while running an ultra marathon on every continent. Joel is writes about mobility, pain management and health and wellness overall.