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Binaural Beats

What are binaural beats?

Binaural beats are a sound wave that creates the illusion in your brain of a “beat” due to the frequencies they’re transmitted at. They’re frequently considered to be useful in creative projects, improving productivity, as well as meditation and therapy.

How Do Binaural Beats Work?

Binaural means “to hear with two ears.” What happens is a “brain illusion.” Two different tones are transmitted to each ear at different frequencies. Because of the difference in frequencies, the brain perceives a third tone. This tone is the “beat” and various “binaural beat tracks” are designed to help you tackle certain tasks more effectively (work, healing, mood, etc).

Is this Actual Science?

Great question – it’s a new area of work, so there’s only a few studies on it (and needs to be a lot more). That said, it’s pretty consistent across the board that studies show increased levels of productivity in creative tasks (although they do have different effects on different people – so your mileage may vary). These beats have long been used in meditation, sleep and relaxation.

You can dig into the nitty gritty of the science & studies at the links & content below.

Binaural Beats For Sleep

If you’re looking to combine binaural beats with lucid dreaming, you may be disappointed. While the beats might help you be more creative, they may not help the sleep part of the equation.

So, it could potentially work if you’re planning on falling asleep immediately (and using the beats to jump-start your lucid dreaming), but if you need longer to fall asleep, you might find binaural beats unhelpful & might want to stick to your white noise generator instead.

That said, if it works for you – let me know. There needs to be more experimentation with all of this stuff.

It’s worth noting that I do listen to binaural beats while doing my evening routine with MoveWell to wind down before sleep.

Lucid Dreaming 8 Hour Sleep Track

Hypersleep MK2

Deep Sleep

Binaural Beats for Work

According to one of the studies

Results showed that binaural beats, regardless of the presented frequency, can affect divergent but not convergent thinking.

That means, based on the research, binaural beats are probably more suited to creative tasks. If you need to do “convergent thinking” – think studying for the right answer on the test – you’re probably better off with other audio stimulus rather than binaural beats.

Are There Any Dangers to Binaural Beats?

There aren’t any dangers to listening to these beats. They’re not going to mess you up in anyway & the soundwave is more of an “illusion for your brain” than anything dangerous you’re ingesting. With that in mind, the biggest danger is listening to beats at unsafe levels and damaging your hearing. With that in mind, keep the volume at a reasonable level (and use noise-cancelling headphones if you’re in a loud area). These are my favorite ones to use.

The Best Binaural Beats on the Internet.

If you’re wanting to dive deep into Binaural Beats, I’ve put together a starter series of the best videos & sounds around the web to help you out.

Whether you want to use Binaural Beats to be more productive, get better sleep, try lucid dreaming or study, you’ll find a beat or two that should be able ot help you out.

Binaural Beats For Other Uses

Binaural Beats for Study

The Best Binaural Beats for Meditation

Binaural Beats Sites

Binaural Beats Apps

If you’re interested in Binaural Beats, you might also be interested in these post:

Sources for Binaural Beats

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Joel Runyon

Joel is the founder of IMPOSSIBLE and the founder of MoveWell. Joel founded MoveWell after sustaining an injury while running an ultra marathon on every continent. Joel is writes about mobility, pain management and health and wellness overall.