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Mobility WOD

What’s a good Mobility WOD alternative?

Chances are – if you’re reading this – that’s the question running through your head right now.

Well you’re in luck – we’ve done the run-down on the best Mobility WOD alternatives out there on the market.

And we should know –

While we don’t like to use this space to talk down other people (there’s more than enough space out there for everyone), a ton of our clients and customers are ex-mobility WOD people.

In fact, one of our favorite reviews on the app store said:

Where’s Starrett?
C’mon Dr. Supple Leopard – how come I had to go wlesewhere for an app like this? Very slick. Very useful.

– Vonusaur

Excuse us if we think that’s funny

Anyways – let’s jump into the list of Mobility WOD alternatives out there.

MoveWell – Movement + Mobility Coach

MoveWell is a routine based coaching app designed to not just give you a movement to do every day or access to a library vault of instructions – but to give a prescription-level routines focused on your specific issues.

  • Prepping for squat day? We’ve got a routine for that.
  • Gearing up for a long-run this weekend? We’ve got you cocvered.
  • Need a little something for your daily mobility work? You can count on us.

MoveWell Pros

  • Prescription focused routines to focus on your needs
  • Content designed for elite athletes and everyday people.
  • Members-only content
  • Competitively priced @ $9/month.

MoveWell Cons

  • Less content than other apps (but adding quickly)
  • No expensive sponsored athlete contracts to drive the price of the app up.

Sign Up For MoveWell: Online

Get MoveWell App (for iOS)


ROMWOD is likely the other app you may have heard of in the movement and mobility space. We’ve written about them before and you can see a more in-depth review below:

You can see our full thoughts on ROMWOD alternatives here.

Our Take:

ROMWOD is a solid app with a ton of sponsored athletes, but focuses more on generalized mobility for a wide crossfit-focused audience rather than routines that are specific to you.


  • Solid branding + marketing team
  • Tons of sponsored athletes (especially crossfit ones)
  • Daily released content


  • It’s very-crossfit focused
  • It’s general mobility and does not take into account your personal needs.
  • At $14/month – it’s $5 more expensive than MobilityWOD.

Mobility WOD Review

What We Like About Mobility WOD

Mobility WOD Pros

  • Kelly is a great coach. If not for Supple Leopard 1 & 2 – no one would care about mobility.
  • He’s the godfather of the mobility + movement space (especially thanks to Crossfit).
  • Movements are heavily focused on Crossfit athletes.
  • $9/month is competitively priced.

Mobility WOD Cons

  • Almost exclusively focused on Crossfit.
  • Almost all Kelly videos are old.
  • He Is not the main guy in charge.

In short, MobilityWOD has great tutorials and the guy who started it all – is a boss – but it’s not all Kelly anymore and most of the videos are available on youtube.

Ready to Try A Mobility WOD Alternative?

Get MoveWell App (for iOS)

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Joel Runyon

Joel is the founder of IMPOSSIBLE and the founder of MoveWell. Joel founded MoveWell after sustaining an injury while running an ultra marathon on every continent. Joel is writes about mobility, pain management and health and wellness overall.